ARCH Capital is an independent real estate private investment platform with established experience in investing in opportunistic, value-added, and core/core-plus strategies across the leading markets of the Asia-Pacific region. Its asset portfolio is diversified across residential properties for sale and lease, offices, retail properties, and mixed-use developments. The company's main strength lies in identifying and realizing the value of real estate assets through active and direct asset manag...

Laguna Property is the property development division of Laguna Resorts & Hotels, a publicly traded company with a history dating back to the early 1980s. This history began with land acquisition and the development of what is now known as Laguna Phuket, the first integrated resort complex in Asia. Since its inception, the company has solidified its position as the largest and most renowned property developer in Phuket (Thailand), Bintan (Indonesia), and Lăng Cô (Vietnam).With a portfolio boa...

VIP THAILAND is a leading developer of country homes and real estate properties for lifestyle in Thailand, focusing on strategic locations on the island of Phuket, the country's most popular resort destination. With an international perspective, the company constantly develops innovative ways to meet its customers' needs, weaving meticulous craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology into each home to create ideal living and experiencing conditions. From the start of its very first project, VIP TH...

Rhom Bho Property Public Company Limited is a real estate development company specializing in sales, especially in the development of residential condominium projects in prospective areas. It focuses on the unique design of the project, quality of construction, and the project's environment, emphasizing tranquility and a sense of relaxation, akin to a hotel or resort.

As the founder and CEO of Fantasea Plus real estate development company, it is recommended to carefully consider Fantasea Plus. Fantasea Plus is known as a reliable developer with a proven track record of achieving high returns and providing investors with freehold properties. Currently, Fantasea Plus has four main projects: Fantasea Condo Kamala, Ocean Palms Villa Bangtao, Ocean Palms Condo Bangtao, and Chalong Bay View

Nature is a blessing to humanity. It consists of various natural resources such as sunlight, air, water, soil, and much more, which are necessary for all human needs. Homes, being one of the most important elements in life, are also part of nature. In nature, there are various biotic and abiotic factors, which together are called its constituent parts. Biotic factors include forests and animals, while abiotic factors consist of physical elements. All these elements are meant to serve visitors at...

A personal concierge manager will ensure comfortable conditions for clients staying in Thailand. The management company takes care of all aspects of villa service, including organizing airport transfers and assisting with leisure activities. Additionally, they offer rental services for the property after ownership. The company builds with consideration of the local climate and applies professional methods, such as foundation waterproofing, to prevent moisture rising through the concrete in the h...

They are a passionate and dedicated team leading the revolution in the Miami real estate market. Their mission is to equip investors with deep knowledge and unprecedented experience so that they can successfully conduct real estate transactions in Miami. They eagerly await the opportunity to share with them the results of professional, strategic, and innovative investments that will not only transform their future but also redefine expectations in this dynamic and thriving sector.

The company Phuket Plus Company Limited is engaged in real estate development, including design, construction, and sales management. With over 17 years of experience since 2006, it has completed numerous projects on the island of Phuket, including The Trees Club Resort, Zen Space Condominium, Icon Park Condominium, Surintra Boutique Resort, Le' Rawai Apartment, and Surin Place Apartment. Its subsidiaries, such as Island Architect Co., Ltd., are responsible for project construction, while Propert...

Embark on a sensory sanctuary journey at the stunning, multi-award-winning Banyan Tree Lăng Cô, located in Da Nang, the largest city in Central Vietnam. This paradise of luxurious villas with all amenities at the integrated resort Laguna Lăng Cô is nestled between the azure waters of the East Sea and the Truong Son mountain range.For travelers seeking a luxurious hideaway or a base for exploring this beautiful area, this is the ideal place - including three UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Hoi An An...

They are young developers of high-end luxury real estate on the island of Phuket, and a subsidiary of Mongkon Mahakit, a leading international gold jewelry manufacturer since 1987. Through this collaboration, Pavara Development has inherited a long tradition of balance and excellence in design. They also place great emphasis on meeting the high expectations of discerning clients for the quality of construction

T.H. Group Phuket is a leading real estate development firm located in Phuket, Thailand, dedicated to creating luxurious and exceptional properties offering world-class amenities. The company specializes in developing high-end residential properties and luxurious villas in the most prestigious locations in Phuket. With extensive experience in the real estate sector, T.H. Group Phuket aims to provide unparalleled quality and value. The company invests significant resources in the design, construc...

The company's goal is to lead in delivering exceptional experiences that anticipate and satisfy customers' aspirations and positively impact stakeholders

This project presents a harmonious combination of captivating architectural design and the surrounding natural environment, with impressive interiors. It is conceived to capture the abundance of natural light and the winds blowing from east to west, bringing fresh air into the exclusive villa for energy saving and comfortable living. The unique modern and contemporary design style, inspired by the charm of traditional Thai culture, is practically defined by the distinctive "Pikul Flower" element...

Built around the concept of a beautiful tropical resort, Platinum Bay offers buyers a unique investment opportunity in Phuket's last remaining prime west coast location, just minutes from the pristine white sands of Kamala Beach. Project features include: winning the 2019 Best Landscape Architectural Design in Phuket, being located just a minute's walk from Kamala Beach and surrounded by tropical forests, luxurious condominium units designed by the winner of the Best of Asia interior design awar...

Serene Property & Development Company Limited was founded in 2010. Its head office is located at 96/60 The Royal Place, Moo.1, Kathu, Kathu, Phuket, Thailand, 83120. The company specializes in real estate development, with a focus on the residential sector. The company has achieved high sales closure rates in many vertical projects thanks to its outstanding sales and marketing team.

CG Capital is the investment arm of Central Group, one of Thailand's leading business groups engaged in retail, property development, and hospitality. As a family business with over six decades of existence, their goal is to provide long-term, sustainable financial returns for investors while building long-lasting and meaningful relationships that benefit all parties.

They love life and appreciate it in all its manifestations. They value comfort and the benefits of progress. Their focus is on happiness, ethics, health, aesthetics, economy, and optimization.THEIR MISSIONCreating and setting the trends of the futureIntegrating tomorrow's technologies for todayImproving the quality of life through innovative solutions
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Ominaisuus: Kiinteistökehityksen panoraama Espanjassa
Espanjan dynaamisilla kiinteistömarkkinoilla kiinteistökehittäjillä on ratkaiseva rooli, sillä ne yhdistävät rakentamisen ja kiinteistöjen myynnin. Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan, miten kiinteistökehittäjät Espanjassa määrittelevät uutta asuntomaailmaa uudelleen integroidun ja monipuolisen lähestymistavan avulla.
Rakennuttajan rooli: Rakentamisen lisäksi
Espanjalaiset kiinteistökehittäjät eivät tyydy pelkästään maan ostamiseen. He ovat visionäärejä uusien asuntohankkeiden suunnittelun, kehittämisen ja markkinoinnin takana. He aloittavat työnsä huolellisella maan valinnalla ja hankinnalla, minkä jälkeen he tekevät yhteistyötä arkkitehtien kanssa suunnitellakseen toteuttamiskelpoisia ja houkuttelevia hankkeita, jotka noudattavat kaikkia kaupunkisuunnittelua koskevia säännöksiä.
Vaikka he perinteisesti teettävät rakentamisen alihankintana erikoistuneilla yrityksillä, yhä useammat rakennuttajat ottavat myös nämä tehtävät hoitaakseen. Tämä integroitu malli antaa heille mahdollisuuden valvoa suoremmin töiden laatua ja edistymistä, mikä hyödyttää tulevia omistajia.
Palvelujen integrointi: Kasvava suuntaus
Kehitys- ja rakennuspalvelujen integrointi on yleistymässä. Tämä yhdistyminen helpottaa hankkeen kehityksen tiiviimpää seurantaa ja tarjoaa suorempaa ja avoimempaa viestintää ostajien kanssa. Rakennuttajat tarjoavat näin henkilökohtaisempaa ja tehokkaampaa palvelua.
Nykyaikaisen rakennuttajan moniulotteinen rooli
Nykyään espanjalainen kiinteistökehittäjä ei ainoastaan hallinnoi asuntojen rakentamista, vaan huolehtii myös hankkeen suunnittelusta, rahoituksesta, oikeudellisista ja markkinointistrategioista. Tämä kokonaisvaltainen lähestymistapa ulottuu suunnitteluvaiheesta asuntojen lopulliseen myyntiin, olivatpa ne sitten suunnittelun ulkopuolella tai pidemmälle edenneissä vaiheissa.
Rakennusyhtiön merkitys
Tässä yhteydessä rakennusyrityksistä tulee strategisia kumppaneita, jotka toteuttavat arkkitehtonisia suunnitelmia. Heidän työnsä heijastuu paitsi rakentamisen laatuun myös hankkeen käsitykseen ja arvoon markkinoilla.
Uudisrakennuskohteen rakentamisen vaiheet
Uudisrakentamisen rakentamisprosessi Espanjassa kulkee tyypillisesti useiden vaiheiden läpi aina tontin analysoinnista asuntojen toimittamiseen. Tämä sykli voi kestää noin 24 kuukautta, ja se on ratkaisevan tärkeä hankkeen onnistumisen kannalta.
Espanjan lippulaivakohteet
Raportissa tuodaan esiin joitakin Espanjan tunnetuimpia uudiskohteita, kuten Idilia Views Malagassa, Célere Finestrelles II Barcelonassa tai Sky Homes Valenciassa. Nämä hankkeet ovat osoitus siitä, että laadukkaiden asuntojen kysyntä on suurta strategisilla paikoilla sekä kaupungeissa että rannikkoalueilla.
Espanjan kiinteistökehittäjät ovat muuttamassa uusia asuntomarkkinoita. Niiden integroitu lähestymistapa ei ainoastaan yksinkertaista asiakkaiden ostokokemusta, vaan myös takaa korkeat laatu- ja tehokkuusstandardit rakennus- ja myyntiprosessin kaikissa vaiheissa. Innovatiivisilla hankkeilla ja sitoutumisella huippuosaamiseen rakennuttajat aloittavat uuden aikakauden Espanjan kiinteistöalalla.